On behalf of the members and officers of Biscayne Bay Yacht Club and the members and officers of Etchells Fleet 20, it is my pleasure to welcome fellow Etchells sailors, Race Committee volunteers, Judges, friends and family to our Club and Fleet for the Etchells Biscayne Bay Series. Please enjoy our facilities and hospitality and treat it as though it were your own Club.
Etchells Fleet 20 is one of the most active Etchells fleets in North America. Our members consist of past World Champions and a very active group of Etchells competitors who have traveled North America and the world for major Etchells events.
Our Etchells Series has been one of the major Etchells regatta series since 1994. The quality of both racing and competitors has attracted Etchells sailors from all over the world. We typically have between 50 and 90 boats on the starting line. Our Race Committee team from Biscayne Bay Yacht Club headed by PRO's Dave Brennan and Mark Foster is world renown. Warm weather, warm water and good winds welcome you to Miami!
I wish each competitor the best of luck and fair winds. I hope you all enjoy your visit with us both on and off the water.
Storage for Visiting Etchells at BBYC
Biscayne Bay Yacht Club will again offer seasonal storage for approximately 25 visiting Etchells.
Storage reservation forms will be available in July and priority will be on a first come - first
served basis. BBYC storage request forms must be accompanied with properly registered and paid
entries. Proof of insurance is also required.
Additional visiting boat storage options;
US Sailing Center
Contact Pat Downey
305-854-1058 (office)
305-793-6186 (cell) usscmiami@bellsouth.net